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League News


  • 20/09/15
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Can we remind ALL teams that on a Saturday they must follow these instructions to help with the smooth running of the Matchdays.

1) Each Team must fill in team sheet and complete the list of the players that played in the games and put down the score of the match
These sheets are found next to the office in the Clubhouse and must be left completed back into the trays before you leave.

2) Where teams have to put up goals all the White Goals and red net bags are found by the compound.

3) When it says take down your goals and respect barrier(1st named team takes in respect barrier) you MUST return the equipment back to the Compound. The goals should be stored back correctly and this is currently not happening and the net bags WITH THE PEGS in and respect barriers should be left outside the compound.

3) During this phase the normal one game a week times are 20 mins e/w for U7/U8 and 25 mins e/w for U9/U10

4) All Rubbish should be put in the bins provided when leaving the pitches.

5) Remember to always check the notice board for the games to be played on which pitches in case of any changes.