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Sin Bin

  • 27/08/19
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Sin Bin

Temporary Dismissal (Sin Bins)

As you are no doubt aware, temporary dismissals are now in place for all leagues Step 5 and below as of this season. Manchester FA have appeared at all AGM’s to give a presentation to all clubs in relation to this. Sin bins of 10 minutes will be issued by referees as a sanction for dissent in all 90 minute games and 8 minutes for matches of other lengths. Please ensure all managers and players are aware of the new regulations. I have also attached further information and the grid which has been issued as a card during the presentations at the AGM’s. This can be printed and will default to the card size when you print.

For more information about the new sin bin rule, the FA have produced further guidance. Please pass the link on to members of your club to improve their understanding of the process:

Sin Bin Guidance - Download / Open