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Coronavirus; Football postponed

  • 16/03/20
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FA Announcement: - KDFL Response -Please read below

Following the Government’s announcement Monday, for people to avoid social contact and gatherings where possible, we are now advising that ALL grassroots football in England is postponed for the foreseeable future.
Throughout this period, we have taken Government advice with the priority being the health and wellbeing of all. We will continue to work closely with the grassroots game during this time.
We are in regular communication with the Government and the situation within English football at all levels remains under regular review. Further updates will follow as needed.
Following the above notice and the likelihood that the suspension will not be lifted for at least 3 months, I regret the committee have decided to
1) Close the 2019/20. Season.
2) The April & May club meetings are cancelled
3) Mike Hallett will contact clubs within the next couple of weeks how this decision will affect the league places and uncompleted cups