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Changes to how you sign in to Full Time

  • 18/11/20
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Full-Time has switched from the current username + password criteria to an email + password login process, as part of The FA's switch to Microsoft sign in services.

League and Team admins please read the following update carefully and take action.
Full-Time has switched from the current username + password criteria to an email + password login process, as part of The FA's switch to Microsoft sign in services.
We will retain the Username + Password option during this transition period, so no admins should be locked out of the platform, as they can revert back to their current sign in credentials.
The benefits of which include; greater security of your login information, improved experience between FA sites, as well as the ability to now switch between multiple administrator roles held between different leagues. A feature that has frequently been requested.

To help you during this transition please follow these steps to prepare:
League Admins:
- Please ensure that all roles within your PEOPLE section have an email address listed.
- Please make a note of all people and their FANs. All Team Admins pushed from WGS will have FANs. This information can be downloaded via Downloads > People.
- Please ensure you make a note of your FAN and/or password.
Team Admins:
- Please make a note of your Username and Email from the account info section on ADMIN HOME. You will need these details.
- Your Email + Password credentials will be the same as your Matchday app account.

Once you have signed in using Email + Password, we will remove the Username from your account and you will continue to use your Email to sign in.

Updated Start Date November 30th - Download / Open