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Charity 6-Aside Football Tounament

  • 13/04/12
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Cancer Campaign in Suffolk have teamed up with Westbourne Warriors to run a charity 6-a-side tournament on Saturday 30th June 2012, open to all ISFL teams.

The tournament will feature 16 teams and be held at Suffolk One from 10am - 4pm with food and drink available on the day.

Each team will play a minimum of 5 games with trophies for the winners, all proceeds from the day will go to Cancer Campaign in Suffolk.

The aim of the charity is to improve access to high quality information and support services to cancer patients and their carers in Suffolk. It is the only cancer charity in Suffolk where all funds raised are used to benefit people across all of Suffolk

Entry costs only £50 per team with up to 10 players per squad. To secure a place in the tournament please call Paul Munnings on 07590 674329 or e-mail

To secure a place in the tournament please print and return your Application Form. - Download / Open