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League News


  • 31/08/12
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Full season now viewable in most age groups but U10s are still showing just the opening weeks at the moment. The rest will be viewable shortly.

Thank you for your patience with fixtures, we leave them late to avoid having to keep re-doing them as teams drop out. Many teams have withdrawn in recent weeks but remaining sides should now have registered their players.
Now fixtures are up please give the Referees Secretaries time to allocate referees.
Any divisions of 8 or less teams will play each other 3 times, but if team/s drop out after the start of the season to leave a division with 8 or less it will remain as set up in playing each other twice.
Directories, rule books and match report forms will be downloadable from this site by Monday/Tuesday.
Once again thanks for your patience and good luck for the season.